So, remember those thousands of dollars your local congregation gave to the new Kingdom Hall program. . . .. .
I believe Dr Applewhite now has it.,-july-2015,-sydney.
anyone know who this monty baker is?
i'm sure this guy will be able to tell the rc how things work behind the scenes without all the evasiveness, being that he is an "apostate".
So, remember those thousands of dollars your local congregation gave to the new Kingdom Hall program. . . .. .
I believe Dr Applewhite now has it.,-july-2015,-sydney.
anyone know who this monty baker is?
i'm sure this guy will be able to tell the rc how things work behind the scenes without all the evasiveness, being that he is an "apostate".
Did she just torpedo the JW? I think she just said a standard of practice she would recommend is never to allow a former child abuser to be in a ministry position. Maybe she doesn't know that JW's appoint child abusers again as MS or elders.
Yep. That's what that sounded like.
I get the feeling this lady has been blindsided by WT. . . . .
It seems she took their word that certain protections were in place, when quite the opposite is the truth, as has been uncovered by this commission.
jehovahs witnesses cover up child sex abuse and oust a victim.
topics: criminal justice / religion .
People on "the outside" are really doing a fantastic job of not only exposing the child abuse problem inside JWs, but also piecing together all of the cult nonsense - judicial committees, disfellowshipping, etc - that make them so reckless if not dangerous.
the gb has been preparing the flock for the assyrian's attack, that now is starting from australia:.
elders, you can learn some helpful lessons from what we have just discussed: (1) the best thing you can do to prepare for the future attack of the assyrian is to strengthen your faith in god and help your brothers to do the same.
(2) when the assyrian attacks, you must be completely convinced that jehovah will save us.
here it talks about the: "second stage of public hearing into catholic church authorities in ballarat":.
will we see a follow up of more live hearings in the future for the jws too, maybe gb members testifying etc?.
Wow. It does indeed look like this is just a preliminary stage.
AUDESAPERE - yes the Royal Commission. I just can't believe they have their hands on this stuff. . . . It's absolutely incredible.
Ok, so perhaps I should have said "Gezundheidt!" 😉
They are so screwed.
God bless this commission!
see this letter from the royal commission: .
letter from watchtower australia to governing body regarding transfer of funds between branches.
Friggin incredible.
If this council has any say in the matter, they're screwed.